03 December 1997
Characters: Chris, Debbie, George, Jill, Kathy, Lizzie, Pip, Sid
- Lizzie is worried that Julia is going to descend on them for Christmas as Nelson doesn’t feel he can leave the wine bar and join them in Spain. Lizzie decides it would be a better idea if she ran the wine bar for Nelson to allow him to go. She doesn’t think Nigel will object. She decides she will talk to Nelson when she meets Debbie at the wine bar later.
- Sid put up the lights on the pub. He and Kathy are still worried about the bookings over the holiday, and decide to hold the wassail on a different night to the fayre.
- Eddie is concerned that the police still haven’t arrested Clive. It appears that he told the police that he bought the watch at a car boot sale!!
- Debbie confesses to Lizzie that she let slip to Kate about her abortion. Lizzie takes it philosophically. They discuss the possibility of Lizzie talking to Kate as Debbie is worried about Kate’s indesicion.
- George has a major panic attack at the Xmas light “Turn on”. He can’t cope with the crowd and says that he can’t do the shoot on Friday
Summarised by: Chris Harrison