03 May 1998

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  • Eric is finally cornered while snuffling contentedly around Uncle Tom’s prize garden. Hayley and Tommy are having difficulty overcoming the humour of the situation and barely manage to keep quiet.
  • Things are a little frosty between Usha and Richard. He’s cooked Sunday lunch but she’s lots of work to do for her exams. He’s away in Wales next week and she takes a little exception to him asking her to look out for Shula, after all she’s her friend too. Things come to a head though when the subject of Sammy Wipple comes up. Usha’s going to want to see his records and he does mention that it’s a sizeable dossier and while he doesn’t actually call him a malingerer …. Usha feels that his very deliberate asking for an official request slighted her as she would understand that entirely, they bicker a little more.
  • Hayley’s a little tearful being around April Cottage as she remembers happier days in Uncle Tom’s garden, but the entertainment perks her up as she, Tommy, Neil and Tony very gentle coax Eric back into captivity.

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