06 May 1997

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  • Phil tells Ruth about his unhappiness. Which is followed by a distinctly heated exchange of words. He throws the new baby timing at her, when talking about the latest decision backfiring. She responds with a taunt about his plastic hip. David interrupts and breaks it up.
  • Tony visits the bank and they will lend the money if required. Pat’s unmoved by this response, not wanting to saddle them with the debt and claiming it’s not economic sense. Tony retaliates by saying that he doesn’t agree with dairy expansion and will refuse to sanction the money.
  • Jill mentions the argument to David. That Phil and Ruth are both very upset and they promise to try help them through.
  • Ruth doesn’t want to talk about it. Nor does Phil, who’s not too keen on having the place full of the kids and plans to open plenty of wine for the evening ahead …
  • Lizzie’s not too happy as Nigel’s not coming back for another week because he’s sailing around the Balearics …

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