07 April 1998

Characters: , , , , , ,
  • George is in a foul mood. Matt Crawford, Brian’s partner in Borchester Land, has approached him, as chairman of the parish council and offered him to send him and Christine off on holiday. George, as an ex-policeman, is furious that he should be considered so shallow and vows to fight the proposal.
  • A prime opportunity arrives as Lynda claims to have found an example of a protected flower on Sawyers Farm. Naturally, everyone asks if it’s plastic, but it’s real enough for her to borrow camping equipment from Kate and start a vigil lest someone destroy it and scupper her plans to use it to stop the development.
  • Brian is looking into the cost of laying Sammy off – he’s getting old and it means that he will have to return his tied cottage which Brian might need for his new gamekeeper.
  • Kate’s still seeking work, she’s minding Alice for Jennifer and then Brian offers her Susan’s old job with the business units. She’s shocked at the suggestion that she should be reduced to cleaning and suggests that Brian “get a Horrobin to do it”.

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