08 April 1998

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  • It’s the day of the inquest and Pat and Tony aren’t looking forward to it.
  • Brookfield have solved their silage problem – buying some from Grange Farm, which can only help their money problems.
  • Daniel’s still being knocked about by his various ailments. Richard’s seen him but he sleeps at last as Shula worryies that she’s making too much of the standard childhood illnesses – Richard refutes this and demands to see him again if he deteriorates.
  • Usha, in the light of her bad barrister experience of last week, is considering taking her higher court advocacy exams so that she can fight jury trials. It’ll be a lot of work which might mean seeing less of Richard than she already does.
  • The inquest returns a verdict of accidental death, though the coroner does mention the play in the steering. Phil was impressed with Tony’s courageous appearence on the stand but Tony is worse than ever. He still blames himself for numerous reasons and while his family try to convince him otherwise and to look to the future, his wound is deep and still far from healed.

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