09 February 1998
Characters: Alistair, David, Graham, John, Shula, Tommy
- Graham’s having another riding less with Shula – he’s improving, even some jumps today (although one was a little high and sent him tumbling!) He confides to Shula that he has no real idea of the estate’s plans as he’s not consulted – no matter what certain villagers think.
- The girl John spent the night with last week, Nicola, is having her 17th (yes!) birthday this week and, as a small peace offering to Tommy, he’s got an invite for them both to her party and claims that her best friend is interested in him. Tommy hesitating but eventually agrees to go.
- Alistair is taking Shula out for a grown-up meal to make up for the childish one from last week.
- It’s the Cricket Club AGM and John, the vice-captain, misses the meeting.
- Tony was trying to get his pipeline protest written up in the Echo, but they decline, although they do express interest in his organic farming. Tommy suggests he draws in the issue of soil contamination to get his pipeline fears across too ….
Summarised by: Chris Harrison