12 June 1998

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  • Joe is helping William to clip Posh Spice for the show, much to Clarrie’s annoyance because she fears that William will be late for school – which indeed he is.
  • Daniel is suffering again but a visit to Richard sorts him out; he has an ear infection and a course of antibiotics is called for.
  • Richard has the afternoon off and has arranged to meet Alistair to mark out the cricket pitch. Alistair is nowhere to be found but at least Joe has cashed the milk cheque and, after having bought himself a bottle of whisky, repays Richard, with Eddie to find the last few pounds.
  • Alistair has the shed keys and Richard has to break a window to get into the cricket shed and marks out the pitch on his own. It turns out that Alistair had made alternative arrangements with Bert “Rota” Fry but had not told Richard.
  • At last Joe hands over the tickets to Clarrie. William is delighted and not at all disappointed that they are not for the England game.
  • Richard concludes his day off with a visit to check up on Daniel, at least that is the pretext. Daniel is fine, the antibiotics are already working their magic. Shula opens a bottle of wine and applies a plaster to the cut which resulted from the earlier break-in. Richard delivers the kiss he has been working up to for weeks but immediately rushes away full of apology for having done such a stupid thing, vowing to forget it ever happened.

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