15 April 1997
Characters: Brian, Eddie, Jack, Joe, Peggy, Simon
- Jack and Peggy are disagreeing about his handling of the birds. Especially since a couple have died and George (through William) is being kept informed and making himself a bit of a pest in Jack’s eyes.
- A case of bloat in one of the Jerseys (due to eating clover) is deftly handled by Joe. Later Eddie’s off to a farm sale to look for more Jerseys.
- Simon’s visits Home Farm. It seems Debbie’s been uncontactable, although there seem to be reasons. He mentions to Brian that Brookfield will not be farming the estate after this year’s harvest and asks if he would be interested.
- Jack calls round to Grange Farm to have a word with William, prompting Joe to comment that the likes of the Grundys should stay away from keepers.
Summarised by: Chris Harrison