15 April 1998

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  • Daniel’s feeling brighter, but he’s got more tests to undergo – the latest is testing bone marrow and required a general anaesthetic. Unfortunately, while it says what is isn’t (it definitively rules out leukaemia), it doesn’t say what it is. Richard’s worried about how the stress is affecting Shula.
  • Lynda’s preparing meticulously for tomorrow’s meeting of the planning committee. She’s got lots of overhead transparencies (which she couldn’t display before because George misunderstood “projector” and though she meant slides!) and is boring George with her detailed study of the demographic and social effects of the development. She plans to wow them with statistics and then whammy them with the trump card of the rare flower ….
  • A repossession order has appeared on the door of Honeysuckle Cottage as Nelson continues to keep the village talking from afar.
  • Mr Jefferson has said that the firm will support Usha if she decides to go for her higher court advocacy exams.
  • The debt collection agency have agreed a figure of £70 a week with Eddie – it’ll be hard but it’s better than the figure of £100 that they opened the negotiations with.

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