16 April 1998

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  • Matt Crawford wants to take the lead as he and Brian are heading to the planning committee meeting and is obviously not impressed with Brian’s handling of the objections thus far.
  • At the meeting, Lynda is quickly in full flow, although the Chairman is not impressed as he sees it as going over old ground – fancy slides or not. While she’s searching for her photos Matt launches into a tirade, accussing the village of being narrow minded and blind to the obvious benefits. At which point Lynda drops the bombshell of the early flowering gentians. This sets the meeting into uproar as insults are traded from both sides. The fact though that the flowers are one of only thirteen native species that aren’t found elsewhere seems to win the day as the development is denied permission.
  • Mike saw Neil in Borchester and was suspicious – he confronted him and Neil tells him he resigned because he couldn’t stand Borchester Mills’ attitude toward the Grundys – that profit was the over-riding consideration.

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