16 May 1997

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  • David’s helping Debbie with the silage at Home Farm and she’s admitted the rumours and is grateful for his sympathy and sensitivity. They both agree at the surprise, and he mentions his concern that Shula had been seeing him ….
  • Phil and Ruth call a truce as they survey the cow sheds. He’s passing on tips and take tea. David puts the potential of Brookfield buying some Estate land to Phil in an obvious attempt to bring Phil back into the fold. Phil’s not too keen, it’s very tempting, but distinctly bad timning.
  • David and Sean are planning to go over to Penny Hassett to talk about the single wicket contest.
  • Nigel’s been released and Eddie wonders if he really was innocent! Apparently he’s laughing now, although Julia’s still shaken.
  • Joe fancies the part of Theseus – a part befitting his status in the village!
      To live a barren sister all your life,
      Chanting faint hymns to the cold fruitless moon.

    Theseus, Act 1, Scene 1 (My quote)

  • By setting the selling price of the land against the cost price of the farm, Joe impresses Eddie and Clarrie are impressed, although admits that it’s a dream. A dream he’s enjoyed although one they can’t afford.

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