23 April 1997

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  • Phil and David are going to fight the estate’s decision over the contract and plan to talk to Usha and the Farmers’ Union about their options and chances.
  • While Debbie is physically mending, the mental scarring is going to take longer. She’s not interested about the news of Simon’s travelling and is adamant that she can’t go to the police because she doesn’t want people to find out.
  • Pat and Tony are still disagreeing over the dairy expansion plans, while it’s not too expensive, Tony is loath to use farm profits and suggests a bank loan.
  • Usha has good and bad news for Phil and David. While she thinks they have a winnable case, the side-effects are less clear. Even if they win they might not make enough in the six months they would gain in order to come out on top financially, but David sees it as fighting for the principle.

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