26 May 1998

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  • Sean beat Tommy yesterday, which he’s taking very hard – he missed the presentation and has even decided not to go to nets tomorrow, his brief fling with “the summer game” seems to have run its course.
  • Neil tries to tell Tony that he won’t be able to work tomorrow, only Tony wasn’t paying full attention, then later when he tries to plan tomorrow’s work Tony is most disappointed to find that Neil can’t make it – after all, either he desperately wants the work or he doesn’t ….
  • Another sow’s on heat and, having checked the tackle, Neil allows Eric to cast off – and success (with a small hand from Mr. Carter). Hayley teases Tommy that he may need some more lessons, but Neil thinks that now he knows the routine and it seems, from an enthusiastic performance, that he does, that that won’t be necessary.
  • Joe and Eddie discover (As I suggested last week), when opening a letter addressed to Clarrie with a French postmark, that the much talked about World Cup tickets aren’t for England-Columbia, but for Japan-Jamaica on the same day. Their money-making schemes are not quite up in smoke as Joe suggests that they head to Stratford, or some similar tourist-infested place, to find some Japanese visitors!

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