28 April 1997

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  • Phil’s still not happy with the changes to the cow sheds, although he thinks they will be good for the cattle, he would have liked, as senior partner in Brookfield, to have been involved in the decision. Jill plays the devil’s advocate by mentioned the previous steam-rollering of Ruth’s herd expansion plans, but Phil can’t see the connection.
  • Lizzie’s been gloomy on her own and Jill and Shula are wondering how she will cope with Thursday’s filming on her own.
  • Shula’s going to drop in on Debbie and see how she’s recouperating after what everyone believes was her equine “accident”. Empathy from Shula has she remembers some of her more horsey past.
  • It appears that Sean has been eating in the Hasset Room and Sid’s nervous of his intentions. Shula delivers a report from Caroline, pages and pages of recomendations on the future of the Hassett Room with a basic thrust of taking it slightly down market to the more “traditional” pub grub level. Kathy is livid and thinks that she’s ignored their previous discussions and is being patronising. They’re disappointed in her and, despite her 50% share-holding in the business blame her involvement with Grey Gables for her suggestions.
  • Debbie gets a letter from the Police’s Domestic Violence Unit. Jennifer tells her that Brian visited them and she’s not pleased and isn’t going to change her mind, no matter what counselling they offer.
  • Shula broaches the subject of Simon, admitting that she’s been meaning to say something for weeks. She tells Debbie that they split up because he hit her. Debbie’s shocked and simply asks, “You know, don’t you Shula?” Shula feels guilty about not telling her and advises her to go to the police. Debbie slowly admits that she hasn’t really got any choice.

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