28 November 1997

Characters: , , , , , ,
  • Pat and Tony have had a frantic time getting the new yoghurt order out in time, and they are learning from their lessons for this week’s production run.
  • Roy and Tony are comparing notes on an obviously attractive girl spotted in one of Tony’s fields with clipboard and maps. Roy and Pat think she must be a student doing a project, but Tony’s thoughts are more sinister.
  • Roy is trying to make giving Kate the money for her share of the bike an excuse for a ‘chat’, but Kate’s having nothing of it. Meanwhile Debbie is making a good effort at being nice to Roy.
  • Pat is livid when she visits Uncle Tom, and sees Sharon letting herself into April Cottage. Tony is philosophical, and they realise that events will have to take their course.
  • George has let Christine take his notebook to the police, for which they were grateful, but she is dismissing as fantasy George’s belief that Sharon was wearing his watch. Pat persuades her to check it out, pointing her towards April Cottage. When she does confront Sharon she recognises George’s watch instantly although she doesn’t say so. Sharon tells her that Clive gave it to her when he was over ‘a couple of weeks ago’. The significance of the whole episode appears to wash over Sharon completely.
  • Kate confides in Debbie that she has done a test to confirm that she is pregnant, and what’s worse she is not sure whether Roy is the father.

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