30 March 1998

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  • Joe and Eddie are blaming each other for the financial mess – Joe on Eddie’s lax working practices and Eddie on Joe’s financial awareness – but all is better when Neil tells them that his boss has agreed to the repayment scheme.
  • Usha’s felling generally hassled, busy work life (including defending a woman accused of attacking her violent husband) and the garden doesn’t seem to react to her in the same way as it used to react to Bert.
  • Neil’s off to finish the pig-pens – Tommy tried to struggle through, but has broken his toe!
  • Sport’s on the village mind – both the Easter football match and the impending cricket season.
  • Lynda’s offering the village the chance to change the course of history and to dream the impossible dream, oh, and to sign the petition attacking the Sawyer’s Farm development.

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