Kenton finds himself in deep trouble

Radio Times: Jim tells a white lie. Meanwhile, Kenton is having a bad day.

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  • It seems that Kenton has jumped the gun in a big way. Although Jim would be happy to offer the manager’s job at Jaxx to Fallon, Don wants to advertise it. Jim and Kenton manage to stop him advertising it externally, but it looks as though Fallon will have to compete against Kirsty and Naomi.
  • Still believing that the job is hers, Fallon tells Jazzer about it. He is devastated, and says he will stop drinking at The Bull if she leaves. He rages at Jim when he gets home and has to be appeased by the offer of free cider for helping with Apple day.
  • Jolene also thinks the job is Fallon’s and tells Lilian about it. A subdued Lilian warns Jolene about working with her partner; Lilian has learnt the hard way. Kenton arrives home and is evasive in front of Lilian when Jolene asks how his meeting with Don and Jim went.
  • As Lilian leaves, Kenton is forced to tell Jolene the truth, and she is furious. Not only has he misled Fallon, it looks as though Kenton is now out of a job, and The Bull can’t support another family member working there. Kenton admits they have no choice in the matter.
  • Jazzer gives Jim some help in emailing photographs, but wonders why they are all of Mike. Jim is evasive and talks in terms of advertising Apple Day in the wider context. The reason soon becomes clear when Jim sends a covering email to Glen Whitehouse at Borchester Life; they are to go with his article about Mike.
  • Kenton’s day is complete when a furious Fallon rounds on him. She asks who will lose their job at The Bull now that both she and Kenton will be working there. Apparently it will be Rhys.

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