Tom tells Brenda that the ready meals are the way forward and he is going to build his own processing unit.

Radio Times: Paul suggests an unexpected solution and Mike makes a confession.

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  • More overwhelming soppiness from Paul and Lilian. He asks her to stay overnight in his hotel. But she says it’s too risky. She’ll come back in the morning. Do neither of them ever actually doing any work? Then he suggests she comes to stay with him in Watford. Lilian is sceptical but says she’ll think of something.
  • Maurice is sulking with Tom for some reason but it gave him time to think and he’s decided to make a real go of the ready meals by taking on a new unit and processing them himself. That way he can buy in meat and sell to the supermarkets. Brenda is horrified. Doesn’t he remember what happened last time he got involved with a supermarket? He says he has to go for it or he’ll end up like his Dad – blinkered and stuck in a rut.
  • Pat and Tony are joining in the gossip about Jim and Joe’s trip to Liverpool. Then during Pat’s birthday tea, they ask Tom if he can cope if they go on holiday for a week. Tom is very reluctant since Pip overslept in the morning. Pat and Tony are confused but Brenda tells them it’s so he can pursue his plans for world domination.
  • Mike admits to Brenda that he is really nervous about being there for the birth. And he’s still worried about whether the baby will be okay. Brenda says she’ll be with him as back up but she knows he’ll be fine.

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