Eddie and Joe manage to avoid a serious accident. Peggy remembers happier times.

Radio Times: Jill has a narrow escape. Meanwhile Peggy shares some treasured memories.

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  • Joe and Eddie harness Bartleby to drive over to check on Darrell. Joe stops at The Lodge to give Peggy a sympathy card, and to tell her how much Jack did for the community. Despite Joe’s somewhat gruff tone, Peggy is touched by what he says.
  • Because Ruth has arranged to take Jill to the hairdressers next Thursday, she needs David to do the milking, which he is happy to do, but later Ruth realises that she has a parents evening for Ben, and that would mean bringing Jill home then going straight back to Borchester. As it is David’s NFU night, they will have to find someone else to ferry Jill.
  • While Ruth is fretting over Jill’s transport problems, Jill herself has a solution; she drives herself to Peggy’s, but on the way she nearly hits the trap containing Eddie and Joe. Very shaken she seeks comfort from Peggy, vowing never to drive again. As she calms down, the two widows discuss their feelings as they look at old photos. At least Peggy had time to adjust to losing Jack; she lost the Jack she knew a long time ago.
  • Shaken and angry, Eddie calls at Brookfield. David must stop his mother driving before she kills someone.
  • Kenton is dispatched to fetch Jill, and at last Peggy has time to herself. She puts on an old record of ‘Love is the sweetest thing’ and remembers the man she truly loved.

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