Rob tells Helen he has told Jess about them …

Radio Times: Susan gets the New Year blues, and Jennifer lends a hand.

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  • Susan is getting anxious about not seeing Peggy. She has to put a card through the letterbox instead. Neil tells her she will see her in the shop and persuades her to go for a walk. Nothing distracts her though and she is still worrying about what will happen to the shop.
  • Peggy and Jennifer are clearing out of Jack’s room. Peggy says how much she hates the way his life changed but Jennifer says that they will make the funeral a real celebration.
  • Helen manages to see Rob by making poor Henry draw pictures for everyone who gave him a present. And Pat is wondering why the big news can now wait until after the funeral. They don’t know when that will be yet because everything has to be fitted around Hazel (Jack’s adopted daughter). Helen and Rob both agree they would rather just be honest. Helen says she can’t even get away for a night at the moment and asks if he has told Jess about them. Rob slightly hesitantly says yes but says that his future is now her and Henry. She and he against the world.
  • Jennifer and Peggy agree the best words they can for the notice in the Borchester Echo to get around the Hazel issue. Jennifer says she is also going to ensure a proper obituary with a decent photo. Peggy admits that when she spoke to Hazel she was given a list of availability for the funeral, together with an overwhelming sense of “about time”. Jennifer says she will make sure Hazel can’t ruin things.
  • Susan suddenly tells Neil how depressed she is about everything. A constant round of cooking and cleaning and working and no holidays. Neil suddenly say then it would have to be the Taj Mahal then and Susan suddenly perks up until she realises he is talking about a curry.

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