Rob charms Peggy. Rob tells Helen what her parents ought to do. Rob is asked for more help. Rob is not, however, asked to sort out Jennifer’s kitchen.

Radio Times: Peggy sides with Rob, while Brian is losing his patience.

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  • Work on Ambridge’s most expensive kitchen proceeds if slowly. Brian has had enough of his house being taken over by builders and a tame Robin they are feeding, so suggests to Adam that he does a few hours on the tractor.
  • Lynda has taken Peggy to the hairdressers, and leaves her at Ambridge Organics so that Helen can take her home. Lynda has several treats lined up; her birthday with the inevitable Ambridge surprise and her day at Chelsea with Lilian. Lynda asks Helen to keep her a pork joint for the weekend, and flustered Helen has to say there is a temporary supply problem. Rob then rings and suggests that he meet Helen at Peggy’s, with Henry. It would be lovely to have a chat with Helen’s grandmother.
  • Peggy falls hook, line and sinker for Rob’s urbane charm. Helen remains reticent about Bridge Farm’s problems, and is again flustered when Rob tells Peggy the latest news. Rob seizes the chance to put his point of view once again; maybe Pat and Tony would be better getting out of organic farming. Peggy is in full agreement. She has had her doubts all along. Pat and Tony should take advice from those who know about business. Like Rob.
  • Brian is caught red-handed by Jennifer, so has to ring Adam to come back and take over on the tractor.
  • Back at Blossom Hill Cottage, Rob continues in his efforts to persuade Helen that her parents have it all wrong, and need to get out of organic production. Helen is not sure, but Rob certainly is. Just then his phone rings. It’s work, of course, and he leaves the room. Only it’s not work; it’s Tom. He knows what has happened and that he has messed up big time. He apparently needs more advice and help. From Rob, of course.

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