Peggy shares her concerns with Pat.

Radio Times: Robert spoils Lynda, and Fallon is recognised for her success.

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  • It’s Lynda’s birthday and Robert surprises her with breakfast in bed. She’d like to spend the day getting the garden ready for the opening. Eddie is continuing to water twice a day and all are relieved that the problems caused by the spreading of mushroom compost are now resolved. Lynda may be happy with the paving and the cowl on the chimney, but she reminds Eddie there is still painting to be done.
  • Jennifer and Brian are celebrating 40 years of marriage with lunch at Grey Gables. As Peggy and Tony arrive back from visiting Helen, Peggy is concerned that Henry will not understand about his baby brother and she also confides in Pat and Jennifer that she suspects Helen is struggling to bond with Jack. Sad that there is no photo of Helen with him, Pat is told by Peggy that Tony intends having some prints produced, one of which will be given to Rob and Ursula. Pat bristles at this, but Peggy’s view is that the children should not be caught in the middle.
  • Robert suggests a look around the jumble trail after lunch and while Lynda is not keen, Eddie enthuses over what Derek Fletcher may have pulled from his attic. They arrive and have a chat with Jennifer and Fallon in front of Carol’s stall. The Ambridge Tearoom has been shortlisted for the food and drink awards, which Robert congratulates Fallon on. Lynda is less effusive with her praise but she does think the jumble trail is enterprising.
  • Borsetshire Wildlife Trust is undertaking a survey in Millennium Wood, which Brian has commissioned, as concerns have been expressed about increasing numbers of visitors which may impact the ecosystem. Lynda’s cynical take is that Brian is more concerned that the pheasants may be disturbed for which there could be commercial implications.

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