09 April 1997

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  • Kathy’s had some ideas for theme nights, but Caroline thinks that more substantial long term plans would make more sense. They have something approaching words, Kathy’s a bit defensive and feels that Caroline’s not really appreciative of her and Sid’s efforts. Caroline appeases her, but refuses to see the pub from the sharp end.
  • Robert’s received an offer of a second interview – and they want to meet Lynda too. They’re both a little unsure about leaving Ambridge, but are putting brave faces on it.
  • Caroline doesn’t honour her secret with Graham, spilling the beans to Shula but they hadn’t hit it off particularly. She’s no more dates for a while and it’s the anniversary of Guy’s death this weekend, so she’s feeling a little tender.
  • James has a meeting arranged with Simon and his solicitor to discuss the situation and manages to negotiate a deal. In return for the estate dropping its claim for damages, Eddie would have to drop his claim for compensation and pay his own costs for the tribunal. James recomends that he accepts, Simon wants to know immediately, but Eddie wants to make him wait – especially as he doesn’t yet know what the costs might be.

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