07 July 1997

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  • Home Farm is awash with tension and apprehension. Debbie’s preparing for the Open Day and Brian is worried about Kate’s friends and their intentions. This is amplified when Kate threatens to interrupt the open day to protest at Borchester Mills (the prize’s sponsors) and their use of chemicals. Brian’s day degenerates further when David comes to confront him. He tries bluffing, but then goes on to the front foot, blaming David for prevaricariting. He defends taking a business opportunity and David hopes it’s worth alienating his friends and relatives.
  • Sean enjoyed his weekend away although he’s not keen to hear of John’s performance as captain of an Ambridge IX going down heavily. He doesn’t appreciate Eddie’s passing on of some derogatory reactions from Sid.
  • Clive shows up at the Cat, shocking Eddie and getting a friendly reaction from a blissfully ignorant Sean. Later, Clive tries to emotionally blackmail Eddie into getting hold of a car for him so that he can leave Ambridge for good to ply a minicab trade in London.

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