08 July 1997

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  • David is still very angry with Brian, Ruth is too, and, in his own way, Phil’s not particularly pleased. Brian is at Brookfield to tell Phil his side of the story. Brian’s attempts at clearing the air aren’t wholly successful. He tries to placate Phil by saying that he’ll need to contract out some of the work and some will come Brookfield’s way. David’s not keen on this although Phil likes the idea of taking all the profits without the risks of buying the land.
  • Jill’s still dreaming of her big idea for the fete, she fancies a fly past by someone like the Red Arrows, who can sometimes be convinced to do a little something on the way to a big display somewhere else. Fortunately Pat has a cousin in the RAF, a Squadron Leader noless, who gives them some help.
  • Debbie’s after some artistic help from Ruth for some displays for their Open Day. Ruth berates her for keeping quiet about the bid and it slowly becomes obvious that Debbie knows nothing about it. Ruth is incredulous and Debbie is furious.
  • Later Debbie confronts Brian, he claims confidentialiality, she tells of her humiliation, accusing him of treating her as his deputy in name only having her skivvying but with no responsibility.

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