15 July 1997

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  • Brian’s bringing a surprisingly astute Jennifer up to speed. He outlines his plans. He was approached by a group of city businessman seeking a large estate to buy quickly to exploit “tax advantages” before any change in legislation. It seems that the inhand land, when used for farming (therefore no golf or shooting expansion), allows some capital gains exemptions. As a shareholder Brian shares in this, as well as negotiating a five year contract for the rights to farm it. The other part of the estate, the tenanted farms and the business units, would be owned, nominally, by a different company, although this company would still have the same shareholders. The rules about tax exemption are different. They’re in it for a sound investment but Jenny is unhappy that she wasn’t told – especially with the familial repercussions. She has decidedly mixed feelings and can see why Debbie and Kate weren’t happy when they found out.
  • Bridge Farm is still not on the smoothest of paths. Due to a scheduling problem amongst the contractors, Jason turned up to do some work which cannot actually be done for another week or so. Some good news though is that Pat has the possibility of a large yoghurt contract, but this will need further investment as well as more staff. The future of the shop – at least a permanent shop – is in doubt.
  • Clive’s at Grange Farm again and Joe’s not pleased to see him, sending him off with a flea in his ear, not believing that he’d already spoken to Clarrie and Eddie. Clarrie confirms this later, although neither are really convinced that getting him the car will help. The glimmer is though that his probation officer in London will need to see him.

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