15 December 1997

Characters: , , , , , ,
  • Debbie and Jennifer are off to Borchester to go Christmas shopping, not before Debbie given a shock by bumping into Clive. This probably doesn’t help her mood with Jennifer, accusing her of hypocracy over her attitude to Kate. Later she calmed a little, managing to convince Jennifer of why she and Kate are both unhappy and angry with her lack of empathy, specifically her automatic reaching for abortion button without recognising the amount of thinking that Kate had done.
  • Eddie’s trying to turn private eye, trying to see how to get the police off his back. A much perkier George, who himself is seeing if any of the local keepers have any news, gives him the photocopied pages from his notebook, including the numbers of some potentially suspicious vehicles.
  • Later while about delivering turkeys, which included a potentially nasty tete-a-tete between Joe and Clive while delivering Ivy’s bird, Eddie spots a familiar van with a number on George’s list. They scream off toward Felpersham in hot pursuit, red lights and a speed-fearing Joe do nothing to slow Eddie down …..

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