20 February 1998

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  • Tony’s working on the tractor which is unwell, he blames John’s lack of work around the farm recently as a reason for the disrepair, but Pat tells him not to tell John off as the news of dinner with Hayley has put him in his best mood since the break-up.
  • Brian is not happy at the article, he insists that Pat and Tony could still appeal through the proper channels and is sure that embarrassing the landlords in the local media cannot be the best way of fostering good relations. Tony points out that this is only the start of the complaints that they are going to receive about the plans for Sawyers Farm.
  • Shula, Alistair, Caroline and Graham are at Felpersham races and Alistair, in a stirring mood, wonders if there might be more to Caroline and Graham than just being friends. After admitting to Shula that Graham sent Caroline her Valentine’s roses, he gets further evidence as they place a bet at 25 to 1 on a horse called “Red Roses” which wins with suitable celebratory hugs ….

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