07 May 1998

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  • Peggy’s car is being service and, for some unexplained reason, Roy is acting chaffeur to Peggy and a pot of blackberry jam. He’s enjoying the big car experience and is worrying Peggy as he pays more attention to the walnut dashboard than the road. He narrowly avvoids a police car just as Peggy removes the lid to the jam. They spend the rest of the day clearing up the mess and are very worried about what Jack’s reaction, when he returns from a meeting in London, will be.
  • Neil’s being praised for his bravery by some (for reverting the manual labour), but is glad of the freedom from Borchester Mills – despite Susan’s lack of sympathy.
  • Shula and Alistair are out for a walk. He understands her recent attitude and is just happy to get the chance to spend time with her, now that Daniel is starting to show improvements. They talk a little over his past, specifically that he has no children and a family that’s nowhere near as closeknit as her’s. The air is clearer between them and things are progressing well.

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