17 June 1998

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  • Phil’s growing increasingly concerned at his conducting debut, with full orchestra, at Lower Loxley’s summer spectacular – Lizzie’s still not told him what he’s to be wielding the baton to. Kate’s not too happy with the event either, Lizzie’s got a huge poster in the shop window, having “bribed” Betty and Susan with tickets, and Kate just doesn’t feel up to deigning to tell Betty if she’ll be able to cover for them, after all it’s three weeks away and her body might not let her.
  • Hayley’s getting prepared for the Royal, which includes trying to buy 500 cocktail sticks at the village shop.
  • It’s father’s day on Sunday and Phil’s inviting the family round and is unsure whether Pat and Tony would accept in invitation to join them.
  • Usha suggests to Shula that she and Alistair come round for dinner one night. She refuses, still citing Daniel as to why she can’t have a life.
  • Brookfield won’t be hosting the Millennium Wood, but Jennifer still thinks that Brian is considering it (although that’s news to him, he doesn’t think he can spare the space). Jennifer’s also still trying to subtly coax Kate back into the farmhouse, but Kate’s not having any of it – it’s a drug-free, Morwenna-aided birth in her cottage. Brian, though, thinks that Greg’s housing problem might be solved as he’s planning on visiting Sammy later tonight ……

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