19 June 1998

Characters: , , , , ,
  • It’s the day of the Felpersham Show and despite being a little nervous about his back-combing and general tail-fluffing skills, William shows Posh Spice to fourth place. Eddie’s chuffed and so’s Clarrie, having forgiven him for taking her shampoo.
  • Caroline and Shula go to the show too, taking time to talk about their problems. Caroline’s annoyed at Kate, or rather at Jack who’s been causing her grief because of Peggy having to cover for more of Kate’s absence. Caroline also digs over Shula and Alistair, Shula admitting that she’s not the most dependable person at the moment.
  • Clarrie changes the boys’ money into Francs for the trip, William’s £10 prize helps but he’s quick to jump at Caroline’s offer of a godmotherly gift. Clarrie refuses though, saying that Edward has offered to lend him 250 FF!
  • Shula, calling from a phone box, still has Richard on her mind and they agree that they need to clear the air at some point, face-to-face ….

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