08 July 1998

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  • In an episode recorded today at the Royal Show, Ambridge has a day out (topical enough to mention an item on this morning’s news regarding genetically modified crops and Richard mentioned last night’s World Cup penalty shoot-out).
  • Tommy and Hayley’s pork samples are so popular they have to call on Pat to bring some more.
  • Pat sees publicity warning about farm accidents and thinks of John and that he would have come today.
  • Richard’s there to discuss rural stress – and causes some himself when he “accidentally” bumps into Shula. He’s flattering her appearance and she declines his lunch invitation.
  • Neil meets the animal feed company, who offer him a job. He finds Susan and tells her – she’s very pleased, which quickly turns sour as dawns on her that he’s not going to take it. Later, she sobs to Hayley, that he’s smashed her high hopes for their future.

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