Nigel faces a fête worse than death.

Radio Times: Nigel faces a fête worse than death.

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  • Nigel and Lizzie have some French visitors planned for Tuesday, and they’re going to take them to the Bull.
  • Shula visits Richard in the surgery and while he claims that he left Usha for other reasons and that the move to Manchester is very much on the cards, he does say that if there was a chance of them working out he would stay in Ambridge. She’s thoroughly confused regarding where they stand.
  • The fete is going well, although Jill’s not particularly amused at the gut-barging being the highlight of the day (to the detriment of the lace-making and morris dancing displays). Nigel’s also not amused, accusing David of diving in their final and now he has to face Big Louis in the special end-match.
  • Shula’s late to the fete and Alistair’s minding Daniel – and they’re both enjoying that.

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