Adam finds it hard to achieve a work-life balance while Ruth is completely sold on the idea of robotic milking.

Radio Times: Ian is unhappy, while Ruth is trying to look ahead.

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  • Adam is hard at work fitting state of the art technology to the tractors, but he rings Ian to assure him he will be home by 6:30 to spend the evening together. Ian will get a Chinese takeaway.
  • Brian fetches Jenny from the airport. She and Lilian have had a marvellous time, but she is dying to know how Brian has managed with the new kitchen. Somewhat economically with the truth, Brian assures her has cooked every night. Asking Adam if this is true, Jenny is only told that Ruairi is still alive and has not starved. Then Jenny sees a new frying pan; it is magnetic, for an induction hob, says Brian. Yes, replies Jenny; I bought a complete set of new pans for the hob; the old ones will do for the Aga. Exhausted by her return from sunning herself, Jenny goes for a bath, but has first to learn that John Tregorran has died. She seems remarkably upset.
  • Ruth thinks the robotic milking parlour is simply AMAZING. David is rather more cynical, but Ruth will not be thwarted. Their compensation money would pay for it; they would have so much free time; yields would go up; it would be a way forward … yes, and Eddie would lose his job, they would have to reduce the herd and there is no need to rush into any kind of decision replies David darkly.
  • Just as Adam is finishing work, Charlie calls. He is leaving his video conference with Justin and needs to see what Adam has been up to. While Adam waxes lyrical about his gizmos, Charlie reminds him that targets have to be met.
  • Ian has already eaten by the time Adam returns, but is surprisingly understanding. Ian suggests booking a holiday for November, but Adam thinks holidays will have to wait. He simply can’t afford to get on the wrong side of Charlie. Ian heats the hot tub. They will just have to make the most of this evening, but Adam seems incapable of talking about anything except Charlie. Just what is he supposed to do to make him happy?

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