Bert throws down the gauntlet

Radio Times: Bert throws down the gauntlet

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  • Roy’s spoken to Hayley and, while he’s not so keen on the possible names for Baby, he has decided to lay off the pressure for a couple of days, just to give Kate a little bit of space so she doesn’t think that she’s being crowded. He visits Debbie later, who doesn’t know of any progress, although Kate is still thinking about the joint meeting with the welfare officer and she thinks that Brian and Jennifer might be hatching a plan that involved Peggy.
  • Bert’s up at Home Farm to ask Debbie something, he spots Mike and as he’s revealing that he’s won the quiz sheet competition, Mike mentions that Bert’s not doing the ploughing because Brian thinks he’s too slow. Bert takes distinct umbrage at this besmirching of his character and in a fit of honour-protection (or pique) decides to challenge Brian to a ploughing contest!
  • In the Cat, at the cricket club social evening, Alistair and Shula discuss the possible merger. Sean’s called at Extraordinary General Meeting for next week, but Alistair’s not sure. In a thinly veiled allegory, he tells Shula that the merger might seem a good idea on the surface, but what about the commitment in practice and the long-term future?

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