Bridge Farm watches and waits. Rob takes charge.

Radio Times: Peggy is courageous and Rob is in a crisis [sic].

Characters: , , , ,
  • As Tony undergoes major surgery for his injuries, Helen and Peggy are at Bridge Farm. Peggy finds solace in the psalms while Helen busies herself with getting tea ready. She is concerned that Henry witnessed the accident, and wonders what lasting effect it might have. Meanwhile Peggy wants her presents put out of sight. Her birthday seems irrelevant in the light of her son fighting for his life.
  • Rob returns; he is taking charge at Bridge Farm, but is appreciative of Eddie’s help and full of praise for Johnny. He manages a string of clichés to express his feeling about the accident. Later he and Eddie separate Otto from the cows and the cows from the calves. Otto will go for slaughter on Friday.
  • As Tony comes out of theatre, Pat talks to him, willing him to pull through. She tells him about all the cards and messages, and how hard Johnny is working.
  • Peggy comments on Ed’s courage after the accident. Rob’s endorsement sounds just a little hollow. Pat returns and tells the family what has been done. They hope to operate on his leg in a day or two. Helen is very tense and drops a tray of tea things. She and Pat compete to establish who is most to blame. Meanwhile Rob will take charge of the farm and Helen of the dairy. Pat is moved to thank Rob. That’s all right, he replies. It is family …

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