Ed is desperate about their situation. Fallon is unhappy about her situation.

Radio Times: Ed searches for a way out and Kirsty lets her guard down.

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  • Ed looks for a feed bill. He has been told he will get no more credit until that one is paid. As he leafs through a pile of papers he finds the wedding invitation. Emma resorts to biting sarcasm when Ed says he will find a way for her to go. Hurt and ashamed that he can’t provide for them, Ed goes to The Bull to see if Fallon has any ideas, but fails to find her. He sees Eddie, who is coming over to Grange Farm later to do some strimming.
  • It looks as though Fallon will have only one rival for the job, as Kirsty has no wish to apply. Fallon is still unsure, mainly because whether she gets the job or not, it looks as though Rhys will have to go.
  • Lynda interrupts Kirsty and Fallon to dragoon Kirsty into taking part in the Revels. Kirsty does her best to get out of it, but has to agree to a singing role and a rehearsal that evening. Fallon is concerned when she realises that news of the job at Jaxx is all over the village.
  • Eddie asks Ed what is wrong, and is concerned at Ed’s low spirits. Eddie and Clarrie have money problems of their own, so are unable to help. Ed just wants Emma to have some time away and to enjoy herself.
  • Lynda remarks that Fallon will be missed at The Bull. With feeling, Rhys agrees.

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