Eddie’s plan is revealed. Jennifer is in reflective mood. Ruth and David utter sweet nothings

Radio Times: Jennifer reflects on the past. Meanwhile, who fancies a race up Lakey hill?

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  • Everyone is up and about early in Ambridge. First Eddie tries unsuccessfully to be up and dressed without waking Clarrie. He and Ed have something to do which Clarrie is not allowed to know about. Unsurprisingly Clarrie suspects it will be illegal.
  • At Brookfield David and Ruth are also up before the lark. David has gone through Ruth’s business plan carefully and has to admit that she is right. He would like her to inform the Fairbrothers of their decision to let them rent land, partly to show the odious Toby who is in charge, but mainly because David does not want to hear any more of Toby’s obsequiousness.
  • Another early riser is Jenny, who is clearing leaves in an effort to shake off winter blues. Adam finds her and gives her a birthday cake made by Ian, for the celebration meal tonight. Brian appears and wants to talk strategies with Adam. Jenny protests that Charlie is still in charge, but Brian is dismissive; if Charlie had done a better job he would be staying. Both Adam and Jenny defend Charlie. Jenny would like to invite him this evening, but Adam is distinctly non-committal.
  • Clarrie finally discovers Eddie’s secret. At first she is appalled, believing that he has stolen Tom’s pigs, but when she sees the piglets he and Ed have bought, she is totally won over. Eddie now has plans to buy cattle.
  • As the birthday meal is about to start, Brian finds Jenny sitting alone in the dark. She is delighted for Phoebe, of course, but feels she has achieved nothing herself. Brian assures her that she is gorgeous, clever and talented, and that 71 is no age – infinite possibilities await her.
  • David drags Ruth up Lakey hill at dusk. David, in full repentant mode, admits to being responsible for the horrid year they have had. He really thought Ruth would not come back from New Zealand and that he would face a void. The saccharine flows in torrents as Ruth looks down on the lights of Brookfield where Jill is cooking for them. Thank you for coming home, oozes David; I love you, Mrs Archer. And just as we can take no more, Ruth whispers I love you, Mr Archer.

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