Eddie steals Lynda’s guests. Kirsty is in a headlong rush to get back to normal.

Radio Times: Helen is told to stop worrying, and Joe is having doubts.

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  • How is Kirsty? Lynda is worrying about her and is encouraged by Roy to call and see her.
  • Eddie thinks they should smarten up their B&B web advert. When Joe probes what Oliver had said, it emerges that Eddie has been economical with the truth. Joe worries that the Sterlings will find out eventually. Bang on cue an enquiry comes in for next weekend and Eddie decides he should have some leaflets available of attractions in the area.
  • Kirsty and Helen are enjoying some retail therapy. Kirsty is glad to be doing something but has been persuaded not to go back to work until Monday. She has now told her parents that Tom was the father of her baby; that didn’t go down well. Helen knows how Tom has been feeling and therefore worries about Kirsty; she is told, rather sharply, not to worry.
  • The cheek of Eddie passes all understanding: he has called at Ambridge Hall to check on the recent gutter work – a thing he has never done before. Meanwhile Joe, under the guise of using the facilities, collects a handful of leaflets. Lynda lets slip that her weekend guests have cried off; they sound remarkably like Eddie’s. Needless to say the gutter check did not involve a ladder.
  • Back at The Bull, Kirsty shows off her purchases to Roy, and then Joe and Eddie offer their condolences. Kirsty fancies going clubbing tomorrow, if Roy and Jazzer are up for it; this, it seems, is what passes for getting back to normal, though she hasn’t done it for ages.

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