Elizabeth hears some home truths. Brian hears some promising news.

Radio Times: Elizabeth comes to her own conclusions, and Ian has his say.

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  • Jennifer continues to nag dahling Adam about working too hard; Adam’s well-known petulant tone is heard as he whines about Brian’s failure to find a relief tractor driver and his own workload. At least he agrees to see whether Ian might lend a hand with picking cherries.
  • Jill is rescued from the clutches of Lynda and the Ambridge in Bloom competition by a call from Elizabeth inviting her to tea in the orangery. Jill enjoys her tea until Elizabeth starts to snipe at David’s decision to give evidence, saying he always makes the wrong decision. A furious Jill tells Elizabeth exactly what she thinks.
  • Brian can think only of his dairy plans, and has been told that Valley Farm will shortly come on the market. It could provide accommodation for his herd manager. A little later he hears that the owner is interested in selling to him. Jenny’s protests about the resident swifts go unheeded, but at least Brian has found a tractor driver.
  • Ian agrees to help with the cherries and enjoys himself. He brings a picnic for them both, so Jenny will be pleased. In an unusually cheerful moment, Adam says how glad he is to be back at work, and how much he likes harvesting. At present, though, his mind is on David and Ruth’s predicament. He can see both points of view and has no idea what to do about it.
  • Anxious to finish Phoebe’s new bedroom, Hayley asks Elizabeth if she might leave early to get to Underwoods sale. Elizabeth barely replies; Jill’s outburst seems to have hit home.

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