Freddie gets his own way with disastrous results. Vicky tries to get her own way with angry results.

Radio Times: Freddie takes on a new challenge. Meanwhile, Roy leaps in to help.

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  • Elizabeth is impressed with Freddie’s riding as she watches him on Caspar. Shula asks him to unsaddle Topper, but Freddie has other plans; he wants to ride Topper. Elizabeth says no, but Freddie pesters, so she allows him a short ride. Defying his mother, Freddie puts Topper over some jumps, but he then rears and throws Freddie, who lands heavily and in great pain.
  • Determined to convert Mike’s study into a nursery, Vicky is forced to enlist Roy’s support. First they pile all Mike’s dairy magazines in the landing, then they manage to get a table stuck across the doorway. When Roy asks whether Mike knows what is going on, Vicky assures Roy that he does.
  • Shula calls an ambulance and Freddie goes to hospital. Luckily the only damage is a broken collarbone, and Freddie is allowed home. Shula tells Elizabeth how stupid she was to allow Freddie to ride the horse, but is treated to some emotional blackmail; Nigel promised Freddie that he could ride Topper. Shula loses her temper. It could have been so much worse, and The Stables’ reputation could have been compromised. Loftily, Elizabeth says Shula has no right to criticise her, but is quickly told that she has every right. Elizabeth lacked the guts to say no, and has been very stupid.
  • Mike arrives home, furious to see what Vicky has done. He asks Roy to go, and tells Vicky that she should not have cleared his things without asking him first. In typical Vicky fashion, she informs Mike that if he refuses to clear his stuff, she will just have to do it for him.

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