Jennifer insists on a new kitchen. Rob insists on keeping the engagement a secret.

Radio Times: Jennifer’s patience reaches its limit, and Rob tries to keep things quiet.

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  • Starry-eyed Helen cooks a special Sunday lunch to celebrate her engagement to Rob. She wants to tell the whole world, but for some reason Rob wants to keep it a secret. When Helen suggests asking Pat, Tony, Tom and Kirsty over next Sunday, Rob offers a number of apparently convincing reasons for keeping it quiet.
  • As Jennifer cooks her Sunday lunch the sticking drawer crashes to the ground and is broken. It is a major crisis for Jennifer; how can she be expected to cook in such an old-fashioned, inefficient kitchen? Alice is not much help, teasing her mother about what the suffragettes fought for, but she does support Jennifer when she broaches the subject with Brian. He suggests a new unit to replace the broken one, but it seems that Jennifer had rather grander ideas. Naturally anyone seeing the Gibsons’ new bespoke kitchen would have to outshine them, so Brian will just have to stump up.
  • Kirsty looks online at their wedding list. Rob and Helen have been amongst the first to contribute, which leads Kirsty to comment that she hopes Helen will come to her senses over Rob. After all, they only have his word for it that the divorce is a reality. Given time, Helen might come to see what he is really like. At The Bull for lunch they check the figures for their mortgage. With luck and Peggy’s help they will manage it, despite the small local difficulty with Tony.
  • With Henry safely asleep after lunch, Rob and Helen waste no time in … well, it’s probably best not to know. As Helen climbs from her new bed to go and wake Henry, Rob quickly phones Jess. There is no need for her to get in a state. They can take things slowly; there is no rush.

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