Justin is obliquely accused; Robert and Emma call time; Roy and Lexi seek more time.

Radio Times: Alice puts her foot in it. Robert calls a truce

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  • Halloween is booming at The Bull. Alice is slowly drinking her way through the speciality cocktails. The subject of Matt’s accident is raised, Robert says that it validates the village Speedwatch scheme. Jolene suggests that recent events could be the spur for a recruitment drive. Robert promises to raise it with Lynda. Further down the bar, Emma mutters to Nic that it goes to show, as she suspects, that if votes are cast for Robert, the village will end up with Lynda. Robert is just her puppet. In fact, she’s fed up with the community being ruled by Lynda. So saying, she heads for Robert.
  • Emma tackles Robert about Speedwatch. It wasn’t very successful in preventing him from being badly injured, was it? What they really need is speed cameras. Robert dons his most patronising voice and agrees with Emma, but wonders where the “magic money tree” may be found. She tells him sharply not to adopt that tone with her. Jolene steps in and angrily shouts for order. Local politics should be put aside for tonight out of respect for Matt. As the hubbub dies down, Justin walks in. He surmises that Lilian must have been delayed.
  • Roy and Lexi are out shopping for soft furnishings. Lexi has decided to live in at Grey Gables rather than take up Roy’s offer of moving in at Willow Farm. She wants to take things slowly to start with. She has her eye on some silk flowers but needs cushions and curtains as well. Roy has spotted some brown curtains. Though doubtless very serviceable, Lexi persuades him that she would prefer blinds. They both agree that it’s good fun to be spending Grey Gables money.
  • Jolene asks Justin how Matt is; there’s no change, it’s all very touch and go. He’s more concerned with Lilian’s whereabouts. She’s not answering her phone, where’s she got to? She knew what tonight’s arrangement was. Has she had an accident? Elsewhere, Robert orders two more cocktails. Alice has a moan about the pub’s lack of festive spirit. No cobwebs or broomsticks and a marked absence of dressing up stuff. Even a few masks would have sufficed. Robert spots Emma leaving and heads off to see her. She is certainly very brusque, but he manages to soothe her somewhat with an apology for his earlier comments. He offers her a drink, which she eventually accepts.
  • Roy and Lexi pull up outside The Bull. They spot Chris tending to a decidedly frail-looking Alice; too many cocktails? Lexi says that in Bulgaria, celebrating Halloween is becoming a big deal, much to the chagrin of the local priest. Roy tentatively suggests that they could either go to the party or go back to his place, where he could rustle up a scratch meal. She asks if he’s suggesting that they should skip a party and have a quiet night in. As he starts his blustering reply, she laughingly admits that it sounds delightful; there’s nothing she’d like more.
  • In The Bull, Justin threatens to leave. He’s concerned at Lilian’s failure to show. Elsewhere, Robert and Emma seem to have called a truce and are swapping electioneering stories. He admits that though he’s going all out to win, he wishes her well. Emma returns the favour. Justin has received a text from Lilian; it’s been a long day at the hospital and she’s going straight home. Jolene’s surprised that she’s been there so long but Justin isn’t. She has a good heart. “Perhaps” slurs Alice, who is more than a few sheets to the wind, “but Lilian needs her head examining.” Alice feels sorry for Justin and believes that had the party been in fancy dress, he should have come as The Grim Reaper. If it wasn’t him, then someone had saved him the job! Amidst raised voices, Justin’s in particular, Jolene calls for Chris to take Alice home before she does any more damage. Alice’s reply?…” What did I say?” In vino veritas, perhaps?

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