Kenton supports Jolene’s musical ambitions. Lynda reassures an anxious new grandmother.

Radio Times: Lynda and Lilian go to Chelsea, and Jolene gets nostalgic.

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  • Having stayed with James and Leonie overnight, Lynda and Lilian set off for the Chelsea Flower Show, where Lynda has ample opportunity to air her familiarity with the top garden designers and her command of the French language. Lilian seems unimpressed; her thoughts are with how James will cope with fatherhood. Ralph was a wonderful role model, unlike Lilian’s own father, but will James live up to that?
  • Jolene goes through tapes of the Midnight Walkers in concert. Fallon calls in and says Wayne has rung her. Maybe Jolene should get in touch to see if he would be up for a duo at Loxfest, since she is unwilling to perform solo. Jolene is none too sure, but Kenton seems to think it would be a good idea.
  • Elizabeth calls at The Bull to discuss bar arrangements for the festival, and Kenton is able to assure her that all will be fine. She tells him that she rang Tony to ask about sourcing meat for the hog roast, but he was almost rude and virtually put the phone down on her.
  • Jolene does indeed call Wayne, who would like to sing with her. They wonder whether they might get some younger musicians, like Wayne’s step-son, and reform the Midnight Walkers. Kenton thinks that would be a great idea.
  • Lynda finds a quiet spot at Chelsea, and reassures Lilian. It’s clear to her that James is delighted at the prospect of fatherhood, and will be besotted when the baby arrives.

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