Lilian hears worrying news while Pip and Toby make a decision about their relationship.

Radio Times: Can Toby and Pip reach an accord?

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  • Elizabeth is surprised when Toby knocks at her door. He has been trying without success to contact Pip and wonders if she is all right. Elizabeth says only that she has been rather quiet and not very happy, but adds that she was not impressed by the way Toby treated Pip. Ruefully, Toby admits that he is not proud of it, but he just doesn’t know what Pip wants. Do you know what you want? Enquires Elizabeth. the subject of their conversation appears, and Elizabeth suggests that they take a walk together.
  • A loader bringing the new ladies’ changing room is expected, but there is a poor turnout to witness the event- unsurprisingly since it is a cold November day on a muddy field. Lilian smarts a little under Peggy’s sniping about forgetting to pick her up, and longs for a drink. Enquiries from Chris about Justin provoke some stuttered evasion, and Peggy adds to Lilian’s discomfiture by complaining that the wedding invitations are not yet out.
  • The stutterings of Lilian seem to have infected Pip, who tells Toby he let her down on the night of the quiz as he did so often in the past. Toby retorts that she overreacted as she did in the past. This isn’t working, is it? says Pip. You are a free agent and I’m not, which is why we don’t get on. They agree to be friends and no more, and part with a jibe about Alfie from Toby.
  • At last the changing room is in sight. As they wait for it to be lowered into place, Christine relates how Nolunthando has shown Peggy how to find old films and songs on the internet. Chris is not altogether taken with some of the films.
  • Elizabeth asks Pip if she still wants lunch and how things went with Toby. Pip seems to have cheered up. She tells Elizabeth that she and Toby have agreed to be fiends and no more. It was the right thing to do and she is ready to move on. Watch out, Alfie.
  • Lilian is surprised at the low-key installation of the changing room, and when Peggy goes off to consult Alistair about Hilda, Christine remarks that she still has no date for her Rhine cruise, on which she is taking Peter. She has been trying to contact Hugo Melling for weeks. She tells Lilian about his presentation on the race course. Did you invest? enquires Lilian. Oh yes, replies Christine, it seemed such a good idea. A lot? Oh yes, quite a lot…

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