Lilian is forced to tell Chris about the scam and Nic is forced to produce the nativity play.

Radio Times: There is a shock in store for Christine

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  • As they wait for the service to begin at St Stephens, Peggy and Lynda have a disagreement over the suitability of Emma to be a Parish Councillor. Lynda sneers openly at Emma’s decision to go on the Speed-Watch course. Lilian then arrives and is instantly ordered by Lynda to reveal Matt’s new address. Lilian is saved by Alan beginning the service.
  • Christine has offered to help with the Sunday School, and fusses over missing crayons before telling Nic that she has told the children about the Nativity play. Poppy wants to be an angel. Nic is horrified; with Alan so bound up with the panto, there is not much chance of a Nativity happening. She hopes Poppy will not be disappointed.
  • Departing parishioners queue to praise Alan’s sermon. (When did he not preach a magnificent one?) Lynda seizes the opportunity to ask Lilian what her colour scheme for flowers will be. Lynda must select an outfit to complement them. Lilian hastily drags Peggy off to look at Jack’s grave.
  • With extreme condescension, Lynda asks Alan what he thinks of her script. Alan declares that he is thinking of a number of options. With a sniff, Lynda expresses the view that he will be unlikely to find a wittier one than hers. He is to audition on Wednesday, and thanks to extensive advertising, is expecting a good turn out. It will a relaxed production, a bit of fun. Exit a horrified Lynda.
  • In the relative seclusion of the churchyard, Lilian explains the scam to her mother, who is suitably horrified. Hugo seemed such a charming man… Side-stepping a question about Justin’s opinion, Lilian says they must tell Chris the bad news before it is leaked to the press. They do so in the safety of The Lodge, and poor Chris is understandably upset. She has lost £50,000 as well as the cruise that never was.
  • After the service, Nic asks Alan about the Nativity play. He has completely forgotten about it, but immediately tells Nic how good she would be at organising it. In vain she protests and offers reasons for her unsuitability, but pressure is brought to bear and Nic finds herself in charge.

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