Pat is won over by Ursula. Helen is carefully managed by Ursula. Kirsty has a surprising conversation with Ursula.

Radio Times: Pat gets some reassurance, and Kirsty might still be feeling the romance of Valentine’s Day.

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  • Tom is concerned that they still have no detailed cropping programme since Helen has not been around. Pat dismisses his concerns, though suggests that Ursula’s presence might make a difference. Tom then queries Rob’s decision over chicken supplies, which leads Pat to jump to Rob’s defence. She thinks Tom should cut him some slack. Undeterred, Tom says that he intends to contact the original supplier to see what the problem was.
  • At work, Roy and Kirsty sample Ian’s biscuits and discuss Valentine’s Day. Neither of them is in the mood for any sort of romance, but both admit to having received an anonymous card. As the conversation moves on to loving couples, Kirsty again raises the issue of Rob and Helen, but Roy can see no problem; Rob is doing everything he can for Helen. Why not give Helen a call? Yes, says Kirsty. I intend to.
  • Ursula entertains Pat to coffee while Helen and Henry play in another room of the ever-expanding Blossom Hill Cottage. They indulge in much mutual admiration, and Pat accepts an invitation to stay to lunch. While Ursula takes Henry into the kitchen to help, Helen comments that she seems a different woman. Her previous frostiness must have been caused by Jess making trouble. Pat is so pleased that Helen is looking better – thanks to Ursula.
  • Roy and Tom meet at The Bull after the Bridge Farm ploughing match, which was just won by Tony. Bert enjoyed judging, which was good since, apparently, he found Valentine’s Day tough. The conversation turns to cards and Tom seems put out to learn that Roy had one. Could it have come from Kirsty? No, they are just good mates.
  • Ursula dispatches Helen for yet another nap, and takes the opportunity to rearrange the ornaments. She answers Helen’s mobile and is quite friendly towards the caller, Kirsty. Ursula will tell Helen she rang; she must fix a date to come over. An Incredulous Kirsty checks her facts: Have I got this right? You did say you were Rob’s mother?

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