Peggy hears Tony’s news and is not pleased. The Archer children hear their parents’ news and are very pleased.

Radio Times: Tony is on the back foot, while Elizabeth is apologetic.

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  • David rings Ruth to find out how she got on at the doctor’s. Apparently the doctor made all the potential problems clear, so Ruth, while not having second thoughts, is beginning to realise that this will be a difficult pregnancy.
  • Peggy meets Ruth in the village and as they exchange pleasantries, Ruth inadvertently mentions Tony’s problem. This is clearly news to Peggy, who instantly asks Ruth to drip her at Bridge Farm on the way home. Ruth is distracted by a text from David regarding Pip.
  • Tony needs the potato planter, and calls on David to find out when it will be available. David commiserates over the dead cow and the threat of TB in the herd. Then Ruth appears with the news that she has just dropped Peggy off at Bridge Farm, so Tony rushes off to face his mother.
  • Ruth then tells David more about her visit to the doctor. Her immediate problem is not a medical one, but rather the news that Ben and Josh think Pip is pregnant. It seems that Lily is the source of the rumour. David and Ruth need to have a word with their sons.
  • Characteristically, Peggy is in full-on indignant mode. How could Tony have bought in an infected animal? Did he carry out sufficient checks? As if his worries over the herd were not enough, Tony now has to counter all Peggy’s accusations about his inadequacies, and Tony loses his temper. Has Peggy come just to rub it in?
  • When Elizabeth hears what Lily has done she is full of apologies, but delighted to hear about the new baby. It’s just like Mum and Dad! She brings some flowers by way of apology and to congratulate Ruth. Meanwhile Josh and Ben have been told the truth, and are, of course, delighted, not least because Ben will be able to move into Pip’s room. Ruth has told Pip, and she, too is delighted (of course.) The baby, says Ruth, has got the most wonderful loving family. Of course.

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