Rob insists that Ian should apologise. Helen insists that Rob is caring, generous and thoughtful. David insists that Jill must stay at Brookfield.

Radio Times: Helen tries to broker a peace and Lily is curious.

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  • As Tom’s stag night looms, Helen is concerned that the incident between Rob and Ian will cast a blight over it. Helen wants them to make friends, but Rob will only say that he was not the one to initiate trouble, so Ian should apologise. Rob then wants to know what is wrong; Kirsty, Helen’s parents, Tom and now Ian have all taken against him. He really wishes Helen would stand up for him sometimes.
  • Jill changes Ben’s bed while a roast dinner is cooking. She asks when Ruth intends to retell the children and indeed her mother. Not yet, is the answer. Ruth needs to get her head round the idea first. Not least, with a new baby they will be short of room, so Pip will have to move into Rickyard. At this point Lily appears, wanting to see Bradley Wiggins’ autograph.
  • Anxious that her wonderful Rob should not have to suffer any more unpleasantness, Helen calls on Ian, who is still stiff from the race. She wants him make peace with Rob, but Ian thinks Rob has sent her. No, says Helen blithely, he thinks I’m at Bridge Farm. Ian is unwilling to tell her the whole story, but eventually admits he was angry about the way Rob spoke about The Lodge. That was just a joke, claims Helen. Then Ian tells her he finds Ian domineering. Oh no, Rob is entirely caring, generous and thoughtful. It breaks Helen’s heart when other people are unable to see that. Ian realises there is no point in telling her what really happened and what he really thinks of Rob. Helen is totally blind where Rob is concerned. At that moment Rob rings, and Helen, untruthfully, tells him she is with Pat.
  • When David gets back to Brookfield, Jill tells him she thinks she should go home; they will soon be needing a room for the baby and she has no wish to impose on them. David assures Jill that they need and want her even more now that Ruth needs to take things easy. Jill seems grateful that she is needed. Lily then reappears and asks Jill what she and Ruth were talking about earlier. Jill rapidly changes the subject and suggests that Lily help her to make a Simnel Cake for Mothering Sunday.

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