Rob is unimpressed by Fallon’s plans for the cafe. Ed is distraught at the loss of his cattle. Emma is determined to make something of her life.

Radio Times: Ed has reason to be gloomy, and Emma has made up her mind.

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  • Seeing Rob dressed for hunting, Henry wants to go too, but Helen reminds him that he must go to school. Rob asserts himself as ever, telling Henry he can go with Rob at weekends.
  • Joe comes with Eddie to check on Ed’s cattle. Joe is looking forward to walking Grange Farm land again. Their enjoyment comes to an abrupt halt when they find the gate open and the cattle gone. A search proves fruitless; it looks like rustlers. Eddie rings Ed who is doing contract work, but he comes as soon as he finds cover and they ring the police.
  • At Bridge Farm Clarrie meets Emma, who has come to look at the new café premises with Fallon. Clarrie asks her about marketing the turkeys via social media, and Emma is keen to help. She will look into a website and take photos tomorrow. When they see Helen, Emma enquires about Rob’s plans for a job, but Helen is understandably evasive.
  • Emma shows Helen the ideas for the café. It will have Fallon’s beloved vintage feel throughout, with screens sectioning off areas, and all the furniture for sale. Helen is impressed but then Rob arrives and Emma makes herself scarce. Rob wastes no time before chivvying builders and then pours withering scorn on the café plans – Vintage tat is quite unacceptable, if they think they can install a kitchen like that they can think again, they will muddy the Bridge Farm brand and produce a glorified junk shop and so on. At first Helen puts us a weak defence, but quickly subsides into her usual meek subservience.
  • When Emma hears Ed’s news she does her best to cheer him up, but he is beyond cheering. He thinks she is wrong to give up her cleaning at Brookfield because they need the money, but Emma is determined. She refuses to be a cleaner all her life and she can see the café taking off. Ed accepts this, but has to admit that the cattle were not insured, so he has lost all the money from the sale of the dairy cows. Emma remains upbeat: they will bounce back.

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